The buying sales of God Jesus the holy spirit has become a trillion dollars business and charities. The human suffering of God children takes away all Jesus taught lived died for sales of human profit of life. The use of God Jesus the holy spirit for human sales is killing the birth right truth reality of God on earth.

Twenty five thousand children a day are dying more are rape starved abuse used God has become a trillion dollars religious business. The birth love life of God takes in hundreds of billions by religions God Jesus the holy spirit freedom life earth are free though.

God Jesus the holy spirit are a human holy truth birth right along with total human freedom yet many nation beat down the children if God. Repression of human life is why hell is all over the world now. The holy human truth God Jesus the holy spirit are used bought sold daily using God own children to degrade against each other on earth.

The holy human truth is we are all the children of god by holy human birth right truth not to be bought sold degraded condemned.The holy human truth of all human life is birth right love freedom of God we the children of God are not bought sold degraded abused.

The truth of God Jesus the holy spirit in human life birth right faith life earth all God loves freedom to Jesus the holy spirit peace. On earth today there is no peace only war hunger hate this not God birth right life for any nation on God earth.

The truth of God is in all Jesus lived suffered died for free life human will spirit. I will walk with any religion hat has Jesus teaching as a religion not the son of God humanity. The holy human life of God Jesus the holy spirit will be free all humanity from this hell on earth. We are all the children of God by holy human birth with Jesus the holy spirit born free. Read any religious book God Jesus the holy spirit are not religion.

Human life birth right truth freedom peace this why Jesus died nailed to the cross. we are all the children of God Jesus the holy spirit beyond religion to God holy human world wide birth right. This God truth in Jesus the holy spirit cash free for God life is all freedom of all human life.

About Author / Additional Info:
From God Jesus the holy spirit comes a man from God with holy human truth God Jesus are not cash sales power control killing or death. blessed free human holy truth you are all the children of God the living human gospel bible book in all the world God Jesus the holy spirit are peace freedom