The advancement of technology in all genres of industry has brought human relations to an impasse. We are often deeply engrossed in our miasmic world of "Credits & Debits" that often we forget to smile at people. It is under such circumstances that "Human Resources Development" is gaining more visibility in organizations. The role of HR is to drag people from the mechanical brouhaha to reality where you need personal touch galore to sustain human relationships. In the present scenario, sustaining employees in an organisation is a huge challenge. The role that appreciation and employee recognition plays has gained more importance, with each chipping in to make the person feel more wanted, and thus adding more value to the individual.

Appreciating a good behaviour reinforces it and makes it most likely to be repeated. When we appreciate a good attempt or a successful result, we are letting your employees know about the Organizational Values and the direction in which they need to attune themselves to work towards the Organizational Goals. By rewarding employees with appreciation we are clarifying the kind of behavior and outcome that we value most and it ultimately boils down to telling your employees what you really want.

An employee recognition initiative definitely improves the attitude of the individual and the morale of the group. An attitude is owned by a single person whereas the morale is the collective attitude of a group. By improving individual attitudes the overall morale of the group increases.

Employee Recognition requires lot of sincerity and a personal touch to elicit the desired outcome. To be memorable and meaningful we need to touch people's lives. A heartfelt compliment, a sincere thank you, recognition at a meeting, a hand written note, a certificate of appreciation or a symbolic gesture say more than any amount of flamboyant glitz. We won't be able to motivate people unless we provide an atmosphere that is conducive to their self-motivation. The key element is shaping a motivating work environment is the management of consequences, particularly positive consequences. Effective use of recognition and reward is the primary means of creating that environment.

It is an irony that most of us think money to be the top motivator whereas people want to feel that they are making a contribution at work, and for most individuals, this is a function of having the respect of peers, colleagues and superiors who always tell them when they do a good job. These small gestures go a long way in motivating people to dizzying heights.

It is often said true that we get the best efforts from others, not by lighting a fire beneath them but by building a fire in them. Let us be prolific in appreciating for a job done well.

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