SOA Introduction

SOA is a buzz word in 20th century in IT sector, Large scale Enterprise Solution Architect to Enterprise customers look forward to establish the Service Oriented Architecture Capabilities in their Enterprise Segment.

It's a new IT Strategy of laying Service Oriented architecture with in the heterogeneous enterprise Domain to reduce the cost and increase service re-usability across the enterprise. Service oriented Architecture is an architectural Style whose goal is to achieve loosely coupling among the interacting software agents with in the heterogeneous enterprise cloud.

SOA for Developer and IT and Executives
Developers or Architects point of view SOA is used to creating dynamic collaborative applications.

Business Analyst will describe SOA as bringing information technology investments more in line with business strategy.

IT Managers describes the SOA as used for effectively integrating the diverse systems typical of modern enterprise data centers.

CEO perspective of SOA is used for protecting existing IT investments without inhibiting the deployment of new capabilities

Systems today are bigger then ever before and its complexity increases exponentially in size. Diverse Systems need to be interconnected with loosely coupled fashion and provide platform Interoperability.

Object Oriented Programming approach solved the problems of small and medium sized systems.

Component Oriented architecture solved the problems of medium-large sized systems.
Neither Object Oriented nor Component Oriented could cope with problems of very large enterprise systems, systems of system or integration between systems in the complex enterprise cloud.Service Oriented Architecture is not a new concept to IT world; it was implemented in the form of COM and DCOM, RMI and CORBA in the 19th century.

What is SoA
A service-oriented architecture is essentially a collection of services and these services are communicated with each other.

An architecture principle for structuring systems into coarse-grained services enables the technology neutral and platform interoperability emphasizes the loosely coupling of services. It also promotes loose coupling between components for their reuse.

Applications build using SOA style deliver functionally as service that can be used or reused when building applications or integrating with in the enterprise.In Large term, SOA will describe the four aspects of services; Services are composable, Re-usable, Loosely coupled and Interoperable

About Author / Additional Info:
Arivuvel Ramu
Technical Architect (SOA)
galaxE Solutions, Bangalore, India