Undoubtedly, crimes have everlastingly been committed since the first creation. It has been said that, most probably, any crime must have root causes and intentions. Not just this, it definitely culminates in serious repercussions, but it differs in the range of its seriousness and effectiveness. That is to say, it can do harm to a person, group, society or humanity as a whole. Ultimately, it is understood that a crime is indeed a crime, regardless of its features, aspects or tools. Therefore, any criminal should be punished for his deeds. However, a question is raised: is it logical that a offender is punished in international law courts, which may be instrumental in reducing crime levels, though it is conceived that each crime is almost tied to the environment where it takes place?

On the one hand, there is a tendency to believe that serious crimes should be heard in international courts. Admittedly, there is much evidence to prove that some serious crimes have fatal psychological, social, economic, and political impacts. Significantly, there are different types of crimes that should be given serious punishment. For example, war crimes threaten and destroy peoples as well as deteriorate the country's resources. Needless to remember what happened in Japan in the past. Besides, biological wars and chemical weapons don't only result in deformation and homelessness but, most terribly, in genocide as well. Furthermore, sadistic and brutal leaders, who are so dogmatic and adamant that they can get their peoples suffer from intellectual darkness, poverty and diseases, should be treated harshly according to international and human right laws. A good example of this is the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussain who was executed on the grounds that he had waged a chemical war on ethnic minorities in Iraq. In addition to the Gulf War when he had occupied Kuwait as well as tortured and killed innocent people. Most horribly, the latest example is the deadly violence towards the Syrian people through the massive use of missiles and bombs by the Syrian tyrant Bashar Al Asad and his blind and like-minded army.

Most significantly, many experts also tend to believe that many crimes are not just related to the place where they occur. To be more precise, they assure us that many crimes, such as drug smuggling, influence the whole world, as it is controlled by mafias. By this they mean that drugs are made in a certain place not to be sold in only this country; however, they are most likely to be transported overseas secretly. Consequently, drug smugglers threaten many countries' security and destroy people's health and spirit. Similarly, crimes, like terrorism, money laundry and child abuse should be treated according to international laws because they affect countries' reputation. As for terrorism, many counties have recently experienced terrorist actions. As a consequence, they have got into political and economic crises with other countries due to kidnapping or murdering their citizens. Like terrorism, money laundry is not only a national issue, but it is also an international crime, which deformed the financial position of one the most reputable organizations in the banking sector a few days ago.

On the other hand, people find it hard to accept that minor crimes, which are related to the environment where it occurs, can be heard in international courts. Examples of these crimes are robbery, burglary, rape and sexual assault, and domestic violence. That is to say, they are convinced that national courts should deal with these crimes. Fundamentally, there are almost common reasons for such offences. Firstly, in addition to the high rates of unemployment, many people suffer from abject poverty, therefore they cannot find any solution to their financial problems other than committing such crimes. Secondly, a large number of people in developing countries are illiterate and ignorant of law, which explains why they can turn to be criminals. Lastly, psychologically speaking, many factors and forces can motivate adolescents to get involved in wrong doings. To be more precise, they can be abetted by their peers. Moreover, in many cases, they intend to threaten and rob people or show anti-social behaviour just to attract the society's attention or to be able to afford to take drugs. In the end, these cases cannot be faced by international laws; they should be tackled by every country on its own.

Eventually, taking all attitudes into consideration, I totally agree that serious crimes which have substantial overseas impacts , such as terrorism, should be treated by international law, whereas minor crimes can be dealt with nationally. However, such minor crimes cannot be prevented unless the government collaborates with civil organizations in order to establish regulatory steps to scrutinize and tackle the root causes and take measures to rehabilitate criminals, especially adolescents. In the end, the whole world should be awake to crimes and be aware of the real wealth on this planet, humanity.

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