Ageing is a universal biological fact and a natural process. It begins from the day we are born, or perhaps even before. The perception of age, however, is socially constructed. Isolation, exclusion and marginalization of older persons are the consequences of age discrimination. It not only undermines the status of older persons in society but also threatens the overall development of a society. The quality of life of older person, however, can be improved by mainstreaming their concerns systematically into the overall development agenda.

Death is necessary for human being. Debt is necessary for corporate sector. The traditional joint family system is gradually making way for nuclear family mode. Nuclear family creates uncertainties in the evening walk of senior citizens life. Senior citizens are becoming alone and they are depending upon the government help. Human relationships are changing in the internet age. The historical culture tradition of care and respect for the elderly is missing from the society. Therefore, the lone senior citizens are looking towards government help for their evening occupation. They are facing a number of problems ranging from absence of ensured and sufficient income to support themselves and their dependents, to ill health, to absence of social security, to loss of a productive social role and recognition, to non-availability of opportunities of creative use of free time. There is a strong need to pay greater attention to ageing issues and to promote holistic policies and programmes for dealing with an ageing society. The unemployment, underemployment, inflation aspects are forced to throw the highly experienced senior citizens. As per censes 2001 the number holder persons was seven crores and which was projected nine crores in 2011.

The gender position of the elderly reveals that the life expectancy of women is expected to remain higher. For the period 2006-2010, the life expectancy of female is 68.1 against 65.8 of males, which will rise to 72.3 for female against 69.02 for males during the period 2011-2016. This indicates that the population of elderly women will account for a larger chunk compared to their male counterpart in 60+-age bracket.

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