The discussion initiates with physical toys and digital games.
• Real world experience
• Tangible representation of digital information
• Capacitate and optical tracking enabled

An Input / output brush demonstration is done, that incorporates samples, texts, video of the real-world representation through tangible representation of digital information.

A trend was discussed, that migrates from real world experience to the experience of digital world, so as to make more reality and user friendly.

Smarter mechanism about Gauss toy is discussed. It includes as followings:-

• Permanent magnet emit 3D uniform magnetic field.
• Magnetic interference can be minimized.
• Magnetic allows for free grasping.
• Sense multiple magnets in a real-time application.
• Titable and rollable Gauss bits are characterized for magnetic field patterns. For titable, the magnetic field may be cylindrical symmetric.

Based on the contextual information provided, the game apps can be made smarter and intelligence to generate interests among children masses.

The following discussion also has made with some visualizations.
• Capacitate tracking of magnetic objects
• Optical tracking of the magnetic objects.
• The erudition context includes sensing algorithms.

The overall sensing algorithms manly encompasses following things:-
- Segmentation
- Spiral extraction
- Trimming
- Merging

The utility includes following three main steps.
1. Integrative form of construction and manipulations
2. Constructing elastic physical structure
3. Construct controller for near surface interactions.

The final discussion is made on magnetic shielding, that acts as a best mechanism to reduce the magnetic interference among sets of magnetic objects. Playing chess is a type of game application, where multi-token problem is common. The knobs multi-core tokens provide additional IDs and orientation information for the better result.

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