Everyone wants to be accepted and loved and that's why most teens try to conform to the group they belong to by wearing similar clothes and adopting similar behaviour. During adolescence, youth are aiming to figure out who they are, assert their independence and determine where and with whom they fit in. Peer pressure encourages youngsters to engage in activities they wouldn't otherwise, for better or for worse.

All recent researches have proven that humans are extremely receptive to suggestions especially when they come from close people or trusted sources. When a teen tells his friend something he might accept the suggestion and form a false belief based on it. Peer Pressure is two types; such as positive and negative peer pressure.

Peer pressure isn't always negative. Peers may pressure others into negative behaviors or away from positive behaviours, but can push in positive directions as well. Not all teens react to peer pressure in the same way. Gender and age are factors. For example, boys are more susceptible than girls to peer pressure, particularly in risk situations. Younger teens are more easily influenced than older teens, with peer pressure peaking in about eighth or ninth grade. Individual characteristics such as confidence level, personality and degree of maturity make a difference. Peer pressure varies according to the situation: being with one close friend, in the small clique of friends, or seeing what the larger peer group is doing in school.

In order to overcome the effect of teenage peer pressure teens must learn how to filter the suggestions they receive from their friends on daily basis instead of accepting them without question.

How successfully you handle peer pressure depends a great deal on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world. There are certain "risk factors" for peer pressure, personality traits that make you more prone to give in to peer pressure.

Parents of teens typically talk about peer pressure a lot. They sometimes blame peer pressure when teens make poor choices. But, peer pressure is often misunderstood in a number of ways.

Parents on longer-term issues, including college and vocational choices, political, moral and religious concerns, influence teens. That influence can lead to parents and teens having similar views, with variations based on peers and changing social opinion.

The need for acceptance, approval, and belonging is vital during the teen years. If teens get this from their family and friends they can conquer negative peer pressure easily. Awareness about individual limitations and choices can enable a teenager to protect himself against bad effects of peer pressure. Some people may not like it when you go against the group but doing the right thing is rewarding. Peer pressure only works if you let it, if you refuse to let it intimidate you it loses its power. The secret is to be assertive without becoming preachy or self-righteous. Stand your ground but refrain from standing on a soap box. Remember, peer pressure can only win if you let it.

About Author / Additional Info:
Iam an author from India, a management professional