Hearing loss is not isolated to the individual having it because it is also dealt by the family and the community. You cannot avoid the sadness in brings including guilt, shame, depression, etc. A more complex condition occurs if this goes on without intervention.

Tests are made by caregivers to ascertain that the hearing loss is not a result of any medical problem like infection or ear wax. Your caregiver may then send you to an ear, nose, and throat or ENT specialist or a certified audiologist. An audiologist is the professional who conducts tests and measuring methods for the hearing aids.

A number of tests can be conducted by an audiologist to measure the level of hearing loss. This is a test of what a person can and cannot hear by means of different stimuli in form of speech, tones and sounds. The purpose of this is to plot the level and area of deafness and identify the other contributing conditions.

Your caregiver can refer you to the remedy tailor fit to your needs.

You can slip the Body aid's small sound case in your shirt pocket. It has a cord that runs up to your neck and is attached to a mold or an ear piece. You have an option to use an aid that uses an adherent strip to hold the plastic part in position to the bone at the back of your ear.

A mold that goes into your ear, a pliable case and a tube are the parts of the Behind the Ear. With a few modification on the Behind the Ear, the Eyeglass aid is designed to be accommodated into the eye glass frames. They can put the tiny frame inside your ear as a tube is fastened to it.

ITE is the design where an extremely small plastic case can be placed inside the outer ear. A design that has a very tiny plastic case that can enter half way into the ear canal and thus will be hard to notice from the outside. The CIC will not be seen from the outside because it is a small plastic case that the canal can actually accommodate.

Cochlear Implants are small conducting strings that takes a surgical procedure for placement. Electricity is the stimulus placed on the primary hearing organ, the cochlea. Coils are attached to a plastic ear device. A cord attaches this to a sound box worn on your belt or in a pocket.

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