Meniere's syndrome is a disorder which causes problems in the inner ear. Those who suffer from Meniere's may suffer from tinnitus which is a constant ringing or roaring sound in the ear. They may also become dizzy, suffer from hearing loss or vertigo. Even through studies of American Academy of Otolaryngology, a cause for Meniere's has yet to be discovered.

The issues that stem from this disease have been linked to an excess of fluid within the ear canal. Our sense of balance and the majority of our hearing takes place in the inner ear. The ear is a very complex system. The inner ear, known as the cochlea, is snail shaped, contains thousands of tiny, specialized cells, and contains endolymphatic fluid, which is what helps us maintain our balance.

These many tiny cells are capable of picking up vibrations and transmitting them via nerves to the brain so you can process the information. Your balance is determined by three canals within your inner ear. The three canals, adjacent to one another in a rough cloverleaf pattern, are filled with endolymphatic fluid.

When you move your head, the liquid within the canals will also move. If too much fluid gets into either part of the inner ear, it can mess up hearing and your balance altogether. The in initial stages of Meniere's Syndrome, symptoms may appear to be intermittent. There may be partial hearing impairment effecting lower pitches. The sufferer may experience tinnitus and a full feeling in the ear. There may also be occasional bouts of dizziness.


Meniere's Syndrome develops, your hearing loss will increase. Resulting in vomiting and nausea, the once in a while dizziness often morphs into terribly occurring vertigo. Vertigo can make it impossible for a person to function normally at work or at home.

Approximately 80 percent of those who suffer from Meniere's disease are only afflicted in one ear. Experts in this specialty claim that there are numerous different tests which they can run to

diagnose Meniere's syndrome. Your doctor will inquire and pose many questions regarding your medical history. Specifically, they will want to know about your issues with allergies, and whether you've ever had the mumps. They will ask about previous ear surgeries, and whether you've ever had or been suspicioned to have an autoimmune system ailment. Be prepared to be asked if you've ever had syphilis.

Your physician may also subject you to hearing and balance tests. Magnetic-resonance imaging or computerized tomography may be utilized to eliminate the potential for a hearing and balance nerve tumor, and the test which may be administered to check for increasing fluid in the ear is important also.

Many doctors have begun to suspect that Meniere's is caused by higher levels of inner ear fluids. The treatment methods for Meniere's are varied. The patient may be put on a low-salt diet that is free from caffeine.

Excess stress should also be avoided as it has been known to increase the chances of vertigo and dizziness. Another possibility for relief is surgical. The type of surgery is determined by the particular symptoms exhibited by the patient suffering from the disorder.

Helping victims who struggle with episodes of vertigo and dizziness, endolymphatic sac surgery usually saves hearing. Fluid absorption inside the inner ear diminishes as a result of this surgery.

Severe dizzy spells may be treated with labyrinthectomy. Ear surgery can result in a loss of balance and hearing functions. Saving hearing and helping the patient to handle vertigo, vestibular nerve section is an alternative surgery that yields promising results.

This result is achieved by the severing of the balance nerve at the point where it leaves the inner ear and connects to the brain. After this, one is asked to remain in the hospital for up to one week.

But there are risks. You may leak spinal fluid or contract meningitis. Even though 10 out of 100,000 people suffer from Meniere's Syndrome, only 1 out of every 10 cases actually require surgery.

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