The historical temple in the modern century is really wonderful. The temple which was built in the 13th century by the King NarasimhaDev of eastern Ganga dynasty is amazing. That is Konark in the state of Orissa. Earlier it was named as Konark of Kalinga. It is well known for its architecture.

It is really great to build a temple with such architecture in the 13th century. The architecture is like the chariot of the Surya with the seven horses in front. The total design was done on the sand stones. The whole chariot stays on the twelve wheels, it looks amazing .In front of the temple there are two lions. All this are done by stones only. There is a place in the temple called as "Nata Mandir" where the dancers used to perform their dance.

The temple has a great history; it took 1200 labours to complete the task. But no one is able to build the top of the temple. Then there was an order from the king that if they are not going to build soon their heads will be cut down. Hence everyone was worried for this reason. But the son of the labour head came to know about this that is of 12 years old. He tried it and got succeeded. Then they thought that if the king will know about it then there will be for sure cut of their heads. Hence by looking at this the boy thought that it is better to die one than 1200. And he sacrificed his life for the historical temple.

Hence with a beautiful history the temple was built in the 13th century. If we look at the temple we will get shock by looking at the stone carvings. It is really unbelievable to see the architecture of 13th century. The images of human being, birds, military battle, dancers, musicians, deities have been done in the monuments. The sculpture looks amazing. The total architecture of the temple with stone carvings, Horses, and thousands of human being and animal were shown as a part of the "Carnival of Life" which is really good.

Hence it is really great that such kind of temple with fantastic architecture is there. It is really an amazing place to see. It gives a pleasure to visit. The name is really suitable that is The Sun Temple. The whole chariot with seven horses and twelve wheels looks awesome. It is a place to visit and know about our history.

About Author / Additional Info:
An MBA from GITAM University, India.

Reference: Wikipedia