Sweating is a natural bodily function as it is body's way to cool itself. However, severity of sweat output varies from one person to another. When your body temperature goes up inside your body, the glands work to release the heat through sweat. This may happen due to vigorous activity or exposure to extreme temperature. Sweating becomes a problem when it happens consistently regardless of activity or environment. Causes are deemed to be both genetic and non genetic such as stress and anxiety. Excessive sweating can lead to extreme discomfort and embarrassment, which in turn may lead to social anxiety, loss of self-confidence, and even depression.

Excessive sweating cures are available; our options may employ either surgical or non surgical procedures. Surgical cures are considered the last resort as results may vary and the idea that some techniques are irreversible makes surgical cures something which required much contemplation and consultation. Excessive sweating happens due to overactivity of the sympathetic nerve system, a system that is involuntary thus rendering it impossible to control. The idea of the surgery is to "burn", "cut" or "clip" the nerve. Undesirable side effects include overcompensating in other areas, in other words, excessive sweating relocating to other places in your body; repeat procedures as your sympathetic nerve grows back and sweating problems return. Extreme body heat may occur as well, resulting from clipped nerve as the sweat is prevented from escaping the body.

Non surgical sweating cures include natural treatment and prescribed preparation. People with excessive sweating problems are advised to start with natural treatments as they are less risky and easier to access. Antiperspirant is the first thing to try to manage, if not entirely stop, excessive sweating. In choosing for antiperspirant creams, lotions or powders, it is recommended to look for those which contain aluminum chloride. Oral medication may be also advised; with medicines containing the active ingredient glycopyrrolate works for milder to more extreme sweating cases. Taking drugs like Robinul, however, requires you to consult a doctor as it comes with some side effects such as dry mouth and blurred vision.

Another way to stop excessive perspiration is the treatment called Iontophoresis. This therapy employs the use of electric current and tap water to prevent sweat from surfacing. During treatment, patients may need to return every couple of days. Once the sweating has been reduced to a more manageable level, a maintenance therapy is scheduled which may be once a week or once a month, depending on the success of the treatment. In some cases, tap water may not be enough, requiring a dose of baking soda or a prescribed medicine called anticholigernic to be added to the water.

Botox or Botulinum Toxin has also been utilized to stop sweating. A small dose of Botox is injected into the underarms skin to stop the release of a chemical called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine signals the sympathetic nerve system to stimulate glands which, in turn, produce sweat. Preventing this chemical may stop excessive sweating even though side effects like headache or fever inflammation have been recorded, as well as discomfort, itching and back pain. Keep in mind that hyperhidrosis Botox treatment is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

Natural sweating cures include balancing one's diet, cutting back on caffeine and cigarettes, losing weights by exercising regularly. Herbal teas which contain valerian roots or St John's Wort may also work well as sweating cures.

As previously mentioned, sweating is a natural occurrence, stopping it may disrupt our normal bodily function. While a number of cures on excessive sweating are presented, consulting a medical professional to best address your case is the wisest thing to do to cure excessive sweating.

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