Well equipped health care sector has laid the foundation for socioeconomic development of citizens in developed countries. In India, on the other hand, this booming sector is still waiting to find its real position in terms of the investment in infrastructure and various other aspects. There are a lot of corporate hospitals that are starting to grow in India, but they still have a long way to go if they have to reach the level of the world class status that is enjoyed by many health care facilities in developed countries.

One of the major reasons for the lack of adequate health care is the inadequate planning and the huge amount of population of the country. This makes it impossible for the country to have adequate health care facilities or adequate treatment provision to the people of the country.

Advancement of booming health care sector in India is now become a most demanding and tricky job and has become a centre of attraction in world's eye. Recently Oxford University has made this subject as a foremost position in its business forum.

The term "Health care" in India basically holds in itself a very crucial debate. If we look at the inside view of health sector in India, we will be able to see a clearly divided India with two dissimilar elements

1. Urban fraction of the population constitutes only 20% of India's population, but is packed with 95% of total specialized doctors and well sophisticated medical instruments.

2. Rural area of India, where people are starved of basic medical necessities has 5% of specialized doctors available who have to cater for the remaining 80% rural population.
So majority are relying on unqualified doctors which resulted in indecent health profile in these areas.

It's a matter of serious talk that, in a country with highest number of qualified doctors, 2 million natives died each year due to inadequate health facility. There is an emergency need to find out the rationale behind such a scenario.

Careless pre script ion from doctors and casual behavior by patients has put the nation in a shameful position where 1in every 3 Tuberculosis patient is from India. In fact, many today in rural people consider AIDS is being spread by food and water infection.

We have only 10% population which is under coverage of health insurance due to unawareness regarding government implementation of policies. National curriculum like pulse polio program and malaria control program are struggling due to lack of giving proper awareness to mass of rural people

In this year 2009-2010, government has realized the significance of well built health care and has multiplied the budget allocation to medical health care to more than 4 billion dollars. With establishment of 6 new national institutions like AIIMS and more powerful implementation of NRHM (national rural health mission), government is looking forward to learn from their previous mistakes and giving the same importance as what many other booming sectors deserve. It is hoped that India too would shine like many other countries in the field of health care.

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