Probiotic supplement with Bifidobacterium longum BB536 is now available in India
Natural Nutrition Marketing Pvt. Ltd, a Chennai based marketing firm launches Jarro Dophilus EPS a probiotic super formula with the following advantages:

• Higher Potency
• 8 Species, representing 4 genera of bacteria
• Dairy Free
• Each capsule has 5 Billion Organisms
• Enteric Coated
• Room Temperature Stable

Jarro Dophilus contains 680 Million (15.40%) spores of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 (morinaga strain).

About Bifidobacterium
Bifidobacterium was first isolated in 1899 from a healthy breast-fed infant by Tissier of the Pasteur Institute in France. It is an anaerobic, Gram-positive, non-sporeforming, pleomorphic rod, and was originally named Bacillus bifidus communis. The name signifies the branching morphology of the bacteria; bifidus in Latin meaning cleft in two parts. Later, the bacterium was once placed within the genus Lactobacillus as L. bifidus. In 1960s, it was accepted as an independent genus and classified as Bifidobacterium. Apart from the properties mentioned above, the main phenotypic characteristics of Bifidobacterium is producing lactic acid and acetic acid as the main products of glucose utilization. (Refer 1)

This has been shown to colonize, stimulate immune response and suppress intestinal pathogens which leads to improvement in the intestinal environment . It is used to prevent diarrhea and establish proper intestinal flora. It has proven cancer- inhibitory effect. Bifidobacterium longum BB536 has been studied by many experts and found to have several effects: improvement of intestinal environment, inhibition of pathogenic bacteria such as 0157, and activation of immunological functions.

• Stimulates immunity
• Reduces cancer
• Improves intestinal environment
• Enhances bone strength
• Prevents diarrhea
• Suppresses harmful bacteria (Refer 2)

Morinaga Milk Industry developed BB536 (Bifidobacterium longum BB536) following many years of independent research. It was isolated in healthy human intestinal tracts and is a bifidobacterium of human origin. BB536 confers various benefits, such as regulating intestinal function, protecting against infections, and boosting immuno-regulation. It is also tolerant to acids and oxygen, and is capable of reaching the intestines alive. (Refer 3 )

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