Here focuses are made manly in two areas that have wide impact to optical network and digital media services, those are high resolution scientific visualization and high quality real time consumer driven media productions and distributions.

Four characteristics are mainly drive the advancement of optical network.

*Large and flexible capacity - here choice range of channels 40 gbps to 100 gbps and it consists of large number of small sized channels.
*Reach--It means opportunity to transmit channels optically for long distance.
*Framing Options--It supports multi framing options from packet streaming to end to end circuit.
*Programability -- It includes highly software and hardware programmable with network control and management options.

If we analyze the general requirements of digital media services, we observed that multiple measurable parameters are there to quantify the quality of digital media services which are called as digital media quality characteristics ---- frame rate, resolutions, colors and data rate.

Commonly three recent advancement are there in optical network:--

*Demand for high speed optical network connections.
*optical technology evolutions both speed and reach.
*control and management plans for optical network.
The digital media applications are supported by various optical networks like----

*optical time division multiplexing
*create an optimal multiplexed stream at significant speed .
*able to encode high definition image at 3D screen
*capable to encode multiple streams and transferred with multiple paths

----OFDM----optical frequency division multiplexing

--OWDM--optical wave division multiplexing
*supports high bandwidth for video transmission and static n/w connection.

---OPS--optical packet switching

---OBS---optical burst switching
*Good service for digital cinema applications
*Support bulk data transfer
*Achieve better capacity utilization and a high degree of statistical multiplexing while implementing in media applications

The high resolution visualization in science requires followings:-
*high speed and large volume optical transmissions
*high quality digital media services
So in order to design and operate the optical network for scientific visualization applications, a set of system management process is required to provide locating resources, resource balancing and communication managements. It also needs multiple components, processes and the timing among processes.

Research issues:-

*performance issue of high performance digital optical media network service applications
*Increase the resolutions of data intensive scientific visualizations to fully enable the multi streaming video.

* Improvement of the SAGE environment for the experimentation of high quality ultra-digital media services. The SAGE is a open source scalable adaptive graphics environment system to support visualizations of multiple high definitions video streams in a screen .

From the discussion we conclude that a successful digital world can be made through the effective integration of optical network technologies and digital media services .

Due to the involvement of multiple components and processes in high resolution scientific visualization- the resource balancing is a problem .

Effective development of multidimensional multi-streaming multipath optical network transportation with an optimal traffic load is a challenge in optical network based digital media applications .

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