Financial planning is crucial for everyone. It helps you have funds for all types of needs at the same time taking care of your other liabilities and securing your future. There are many financial plans available in the market. What you really need is a judicious mix of stable or risk free returns and investing in some high return options with taking into view the risk taking ability. You may have read about mixed 'portfolios', which have investments in mutual funds, stocks and bonds but there is yet another type of security called 'option'. This is a great opportunity to smart investors.
Here comes the stock and option trading. Investing your finances wisely requires practical knowledge about stocks and options.

As you learn you will get to know about the two types of options available namely 'calls' and 'puts'. The major difference between a stock and option lies in the ownership. While buying stocks will give you an ownership in the company according to the shares you have purchased but options just give you the right to buy or sell the stock at a specific price at a pre specified date. A significant point to note is that for option transactions, there are always two sides. So that for every call or put option that you can purchase there always has to be a seller.

Options give you the flexibility to profit from all trends in the market, whether upward, downward or sideways. These have time limited security and hence expire at a pre-specified date. These can be used in protecting the existing stock positions. You can use these to generate income by opting to sell. On trade monster you can read in detail about how these can be helpful in the long run. .Also Trademonster provides Best online discount brokerage as well as Discount brokerage services.
Familiarizing with the basics of this type of trading can be extremely useful. Trading with this knowledge will reduce risk factors and give you high returns on the investments.

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About Author / Additional Info:
Financial planning is crucial for everyone. It helps you have funds for all types of needs at the same time taking care of your other liabilities and securing your future. There are many financial plans available in the market.