Tinnitus is a condition where you hear voices which seem to come from the inside of your ear. The noises may be a high pitched ringing, whistling, hissing, roaring, buzzing or something as simple a sound of crickets. Another type of the condition is what is called a clicking or pulsatile tinnitus, where the noise falls in rhyme with the heartbeat.

Most Tinnitus cases are subjective, meaning the noises can only be heard by the one suffering from it. But in some other cases, the noises may be heard by others, like doctors, when they listen carefully. This is called the objective tinnitus. As a condition, Tinnitus may be a harmless nuisance but to some people, it may be an insistent and escalating health problem. In America, there are twelve million people who suffer from it and one million of those suffer the extreme version that jeopardizes their daily lives.

Tinnitus can be a condition on its own or a symptom of another health condition. When you suffer from the Meniere's disease, you may experience tinnitus for a while but it goes away afterward. The Meniere's disease is an ear problem and the ear noise is simply a symptom.

Another cause of tinnitus is hearing loss, a condition that is actually quite natural for elderly people. When the ears lose their functionality and no longer send signals of voices to brain, the brain creates its own voice to fill in the silence. Ear infection and dirty ears usually worsen this kind of tinnitus. Exposure to loud voices is also another cause of hearing loss, as well as tinnitus. Machine guns and intense music may seem harmless in their natural environment but keep in mind that they are dangerous to your ears.

Excessive intake of aspirin, aminoglycoside antibiotics (the antibiotic for infection) and quinine can also cause tinnitus. A type of brain tumor known as acoustic neuroma also causes tinnitus even though the symptom usually appears only on one ear. As for objective tinnitus, the causes can be jaw joint misalignment, the twitching of ears' or throat's muscles. Pulsatile tinnitus, noises in the ears caused by normal or abnormal blood flow near the ear, can be used by anemia, overactive thyroid, pregnancy, or tumors on the nearby blood vessels. Intracranial hypertension is also a cause of tinnitus, where the fluid surrounding the brain experiences an increase.

Naturally, tinnitus cure for ones caused by other illnesses or conditions depends on whether or not the original cause(s) can be cured. When it comes to tinnitus cure for one cause by hearing loss however, there is not much that can be done.

At present, tinnitus is still incurable, but there are treatments made available to ease the person suffering from this ear noises. Counseling programs are effective treatment to help you cope with tinnitus. These programs include educational component to help you comprehend your condition and instill a positive perspective on how you could better react to your tinnitus. Some of the worse cases of tinnitus can be managed by white noise. When you are only bothered when you are trying to sleep, fan, radio or a white noise machine may prove to be a great help. Otherwise, hearing aids which provide white noise may mask the tinnitus during the day. Anti anxiety or anti depressant medicine has proved to help as well. On the other hand, you need to avoid stress, caffeine and aspirin as they all help cause tinnitus. One of the most recommended treatments is biofeedback. The effort to find tinnitus cure is ongoing and many methods and systems have been develop to help with the problem.

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