Today what we know about ourselves is defined by us. But sometimes I feel that we are not humans, we are a damn animals. When I was just 16 I used to surf internet many times; and in between Ads of these all things were shown. I got so disturbed that wanted to just throw it off.

Some of my friends were also addicted because of these watching. Sometimes I feel that whatever is happening on the internet is good or bad I cannot specify but beg it for sure that these things force a person to forgot themselves, what they really are, they forgot their talent, always in darkness of addiction just like drug addict. and if in future they come out of darkness then they do not learn from their mistakes and make life just going on.

I only wanted to say that you have born to make the world, to feel nature and to recognise human and animal behaviour. Sometimes I think that you have came in this world from your mothers world. Many times I have read and seen that mothers and fathers don't bother what children are doing they feel that they have whole right to know all these things , yes I also say that they have whole right but while doing these things don't forget what you are, what nature says, what god says.....

Now at last I only wanted to say that you have came in this world to live to feel and to make.......

About Author / Additional Info:
I am just a student sharing his own feeling