Here three important things are to be decorated. Platform for IOT, sensing target for IOT and standards for IOT.

The platform for IOT includes all machines having internet access capabilities.
For example- TICC2530 series supports IEEE802.15.4 and ZigBee PRO with applications having remote control, smart energy, home automations, environmental sensing and wireless health care.
Besides that other machines are there in IOT platform like free scale semiconductor-MC1323x, ember em300, JN-5148, UZ2400, and many more.

The free scale semiconductor-MC1323x is a member of ZigBee alliance, having applications in remote control, temp control and blood pressure meter.

The various sensors are there in IOT platform to integrate sensor platform and the communications to these platforms. Those sensors are light sensor, temp sensor, humidity sensor, accelerator, e-compass and GPS receiver.

The main dialog was carried out on 6 low PAN and IPV6 to highlight the transmission of IPV6 packets over IEEE 802.15.4 networks.

In IPV6 huge packet headers are there and the IP address contains 16 bytes source address and 16 bytes destination address, also the maximum transaction unit is having 1280 bytes. In IPV6 following allocations like- 25 bytes for mac header and footer, 21 bytes for security, 40 bytes for IPV6, 20 bytes for TCP and 21 bytes for application layer. In 128 bits address of IPV6, the addressing scheme is used as follows:- 64 bits prefix and 64 bits interface ID. The 64 bit prefix defined hierarchically to the network globally. The 64 bits interface ID is defined by network interface or MAC address, which must be unique with the network and typically formed stateless MAC address. The naming tradition of IPV consists of loop back, uni-cast, multi-cast and any cast and more .In global internet 128 bits address can be used in IPV6 for packet transmission. When the packets are transmitted from the gateway to the edge router to enter into the WSN network, the 128 bits are compressed into two bits.

The header compression is mainly executed by the edge router in two different formats like HC1 and HC2.

In this seminar conversation an attractive blend has made by prof. Mall in between operating system, embedded system and real time system.

An innovative assimilation had discussed between the above systems .The seminar discussion was initiated with the current status of embedded applications and followed by operating system in embedded system, basic requirements of RTOS, threading concept, conclusion and some research directions.

The embedded system has appliance with the real time system, which includes the traditional SOCs/NOCs.

The discussion also highlighted on the technological advancement from mainframe to mobile data network based appliances and the major role of Android applications. The importance of OS in embedded system and the basic requirement of RTOS were discussed with some research issue. The priority levels also discussed with focusing static task priority level, IO computations and task computations.

In any embedded system applications RTOS kernel is there, which need to be changed when hardware changes. Following discussion are carried out like real time POSIX, Threading concept and the RTOS applications in mobile computing.

Finally the features of MATLAB tool was discussed ,mainly the time dependent analysis with Simulink state flow model .Various research concepts are also discussed related to Regression analysis of embedded software with some emerging trends.

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