Women and men have always tried to enhance their beauty by using different methods including hair removal. Prehistoric cave men used flint to get rid of unwanted hair from their face. Technique and methods have changed since and for practical or for fashion reasons, hair removal has become our day to day activity. Our increasingly busy lifestyle can cause us to take shortcuts, and in the case of unwanted hair on our face and body, this means we may opt for quick and temporary solutions.

But there is more to the desire of being hair-free than meets the eye. Many women and men often feel embarrassed by excessive, dark and coarse hair growth (hirsutism) on their face or body. In many cases it affects their desire to interact with others, their job performance and even their mental health.

The most common causes of hirsutism

Some cases of hisutism are related to heredity. Certain ethnic groups are commonly found to be more hairy such as those from the countries near the Mediterranean Sea. However, some endocrinologists and gynaecologists go so far as to say that hairiness should not be analysed from the point of heredity, and argue that all hirsute women have some kind of health abnormality that causes the excessive hair growth. Based on my experience in working on hair removal, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Hirsutism or excessive hair growth occurs in healthy women without specific disease.
It is common for pregnant women, for instance, to notice changes in their pattern of hair growth. Due to hormone changes, postmenopausal women might notice increased facial hair especially in the beard area. Emotional stress and some drugs can have a varied effect on hair growth as well.
On the other hand, a number of diseases can cause significant hirsutism. Almost all of these diseases cause hirsutism by increasing the amount of male hormones (androgens) circulating in the blood. Diseases related but not limited to the dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal gland (tumours; Cushing's syndrome; congenital adrenal hyperplasia; hyper function status etc.) and ovaries (polycystic ovaries; tumours; hyper function status) can be an underlying cause of hirsutism. It is general rule of thumb that if hirsutism begins rapidly after the age of 25 years, it is usually not congenital, and some other cause should be sought.

The use of electrolysis for removal of unwanted hair

Fortunately, you can gain control of your life and have all unwanted hair removed permanently, but it takes time and commitment on your part. Electrolysis definitely produces permanent hair removal and can be performed safely on every age, gender, skin and hair type.
Both galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis have been around for a long time and have been proven to permanently destroy hair follicles. Dr. Charles Michel of St. Louis , Missouri first published his experience using electrolysis for removal of ingrown eyelashes in 1875. Thermolysis began being used in the early 1820's. Both methods continue to be used today, though the machines producing these currents are more sophisticated, especially in the case of thermolysis machines.

All modalities of electrolysis permanently destroy germ cells responsible for hair growth by way of the insertion of a fine probe into the hair follicle and the application of a current adjusted to each hair type and treatment area. Although electrolysis is a proven permanent hair removal method, it takes time and repeated treatments to achieve the desired permanency. There are several reasons for this, such as the density of the hair growth on the particular area, and subsequent partial re-growth. Even if all the hair can be removed at one visit, any re-growth will necessitate more additional visits. Other reasons can be the client's health conditions that cause increased androgen levels, drugs that induced hair growth, the client's pain tolerance, his or hers ability to afford treatment, a particularly large amount of unwanted hair and the time needed for its removal.

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