There seems to be a lot of people, laws and companies out there trying to ruin your credit and stop you from getting the credit you deserve. What doesn't get mentioned very often is the people that can help you improve your credit and get your credit to where you want it. This includes the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), law firms and lawyers that are out there trying to correct any errors and inaccuracies that are reported by the credit bureaus.

The FTC put the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) into place to help protect consumers from being taken advantage of. This law allows people the right to dispute anything on their credit report they believe to be inaccurate or erroneous. This includes personal information, inquiries, late payments, negative accounts and public records. It could be as simple as asking a late payment to be removed or fixing a misspelling.

The FTC put this law in place, but they don't enforce it. So why would the credit bureaus remove anything if there are no repercussions. That is where credit lawyers and law firms come into play. Two notable law firms that specialize in credit repair are Lexington Law Firm and Ovation Law Firm. These are both law firms that do mainly work as credit repair companies. According to Lexington Law Firm's website they have removed over 1 million negative items in 2009 alone. They have also helped over 500,000 clients fix their bad credit reports.

This is because they know the FCRA and they know how to enforce the credit bureaus to do their job. The FTC actually encourages people to fix their credit when it is incorrect. Your credit reports can be reporting incorrectly for a lot of reasons including creditor error or identity theft, but you shouldn't let it hold you back. Take charge of your credit and repair your credit today.

Everything that credit repair companies, law firms and credit repair services do you can do yourself. It all depends on how much time and energy you want to spend learning how credit repair works and if you are up for the challenge. For most of you, hiring the best credit repair service will be the best solution.

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The best credit repair service in the nation can be found If you want to improve your credit put your trust in Lexington Law and follow the ultimate guide at