Everyone knows the kind of people we're talking about here.
Grammar sticklers, or as most people distastefully label them, "Grammar Nazis," are those people who get on your case for typing like a second grader.

But are they really so bad for expecting you to be able to utilize your own native language properly?
Spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation are all important to a lot of things that you might hope to achieve in your lifetime.

"Spelling isn't everything."
This is one of the arguments I hear most commonly from those people hounded by the grammar perfectionists.
Spelling isn't everything? That sounds awfully familiar. What is another thing that people say this about?

"Looks aren't everything."
So then, let me ask you this: What IS everything? If looks aren't everything, and having a brain isn't everything, then what do we refer to as everything?

Having a good job?
Employers, believe it or not, aren't very fond of hiring people who butcher their own language in writing.

So, if looks aren't everything, and spelling and grammar aren't everything, and you can't find a good job because you couldn't be bothered to pay attention in English class when school was actually free, then what does that really leave you with?

You could be very smart, but it's kind of hard for anyone to picture you as such if you can't even spell, or be bothered to use proper capitalization and punctuation.
Trying to win any e-arguments this way will only succeed in amusing the person you are fighting with.

The occasional typo does not make you an idiot, but being too lazy to type out a single word might just make you come across that way.
How hard is it to type the words "to" and "for?" How much effort does it really take to type the words "you," "your," and "are?"

A lot of humiliation could be saved simply by typing out two to three more characters, which, in the end, doesn't really take that much concentration or effort.

Let us not forget the proper uses of "your," "you're," "there," "they're," and "their."
Whenever someone says to me, "Your a retard," or some other lame, and childish insult, I find myself not insulted in the least, and instead, I end up feeling much better about myself just knowing that for one, I can differentiate between "your," and "you're," and in addition, that I am more mature than people who call such playground names as "retard."

Now let us take a look at the different uses of these words once and for all.

#1: Your
The word "your" implies ownership. "Is this your camera?" "I saw your pictures."
Saying "your stupid," makes it appear as a fragment of a sentence. "My stupid what?"

#2: You're
The word you're has an apostrophe in it because it is what we call a contraction, meaning that it is a single word made up from parts of two words, the two words in this case being "You," and "are."
If you want to insult someone, do it properly. "You're an uneducated human being."

#3: There
The word there indicates a place. Where? There. "There is a ship." "When we get there, we should learn to spell."

#4: They're
Once again, this word is one of those contractions, made from two words. "They," and "are." They are. "They're crazy."

#5: Their
This word is another that implies ownership, and no one should feel insulted by someone who says "Their stupid." Their stupid what?
"Is this their bike?" "Where is their brain?"
The rules of spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. are not that hard to remember. If you aren't sure how to spell something, then look it up in the dictionary!
That's why it was made!

I'm sure the people who take the time to make the dictionaries feel like their job is a fat waste of time when no one bothers to use them. I know I would.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, spelling and grammar are actually very essential to your life if you ever hope to have a job other than dancing in your underwear, or flipping burgers at McDonald's.

Even if you read this article and still feel that spelling and grammar are pointless wastes of time, then the least you can do is lay off the so-called "grammar Nazis" for trying to teach you how to speak your language properly. You can tell them you personally choose to type like a grade school child, if it helps the situation.

Whatever you end up choosing, may it work out for you in some way, shape, or form.

About Author / Additional Info:
Harmony Schreiner is a part-time writer, part-time photographer. In her spare time, she enjoys writing articles. If you enjoy reading these articles, feel free to visit her website.